Friday, 24 March 2017

Pressure Vessels - Ensuring Their Safety

All across the world, pressurised vessels containing fluids are used in a variety of applications. As per the international organisation ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), nearly everything, starting from residential hot water tanks to compressed air receivers used in different industries, utilise pressure vessels to fulfill one purpose or another. There are several other applications which can be cited as instances here, such as mining operations, distillation towers, nuclear reactors, petrochemical plants, and submarines.

The history of pressure vessels can be traced back to the times of the Industrial Revolution. In fact, it was their very invention that spurred the movement, and also revolutionised various technologies by providing an excellent means to contain liquids and gases at a high pressure. In general, and as has been mentioned already, pressurised vessels can be found in a vast number of settings. However, it is not possible for us to recognise them unless we have a sound idea about their structure & usage.

Most of the pressurised vessels have a cylindrical shape similar to that of non-pressurised tanks. But the pressure exerted within them is several times more than the ambient pressure existing on their exterior surface. Although this thing is a necessary element for many industrial and commercial processes, it poses a threat to the safety of the settings too.

With passage of time, a typical pressurised vessel becomes more vulnerable to potential leakage accidents. In order to prevent dangerous mishaps from occurring, exercising caution and having AICIP pressure vessel inspection conducted regularly are imperative. There are many reputed businesses that provide inspection and non-destructive testing services in Melbourne.

Besides timely inspection and proper maintenance, pressure vessel accidents can also be averted by ensuring their designing & construction in compliance with the existing regulatory standards. Maintenance needs to be exercised through thorough scrutiny using ultrasonic testing solution in order to ascertain whether or not the density of the vessel’s component has reached the minimum threshold. If some anomaly is found in the thickness of the metal, the entire tank should be serviced or replaced immediately. Using pressure release valves in a proper way and ensuring the right temperature of the vessel can also help in keeping them safe.

Last but not the least, never ever must an issue, even a minor one, be ignored or overlooked. In course of time, the problem can amplify into something serious and then spell disaster all of a sudden.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

How To Remove Jelly Stains From Your Office Carpet?

Although this might sound very random, but it can so happen that you accidentally drop jelly on the carpet within your office cubicle while having lunch. Now what method should your janitors use in order to remove the nasty stains that would result from the spill? It must be mentioned here that eliminating the mark of jelly from a carpeting can require some serious elbow grease. However, there is a certain process that can make the task a whole lot easier.

First and foremost, the dropped jelly has to be scraped away from the rug with the help of a knife or some other similar tool. Now rather than attempting to remove the marks formed from the substance using DIY technique, it is better to contact an expert offering professional cleaning services in Brookvale. The professional cleaner would know exactly which solution to deploy for treating the affected area.

For treating any kind of stain, most cleaning experts spray the spot with lukewarm water before applying any treatment solution. But prior to application of the solution on the stain, it is tested on an inconspicuous area. In case the cleaner discolours the carpet material even slightly, it is substituted with some mild solution.

On the other hand, if the solution does no damage to the carpet, it is directly poured or sprayed on top of the stain. Next, the solution is rubbed gently over the stain with a piece of clean, moistened cloth. This method often does the trick of removing the stain without harming the integrity of the carpet fibres in any way. After application of the treatment solution, any remaining stain is blotted using paper towel.

In case the stain is a stubborn one, the same process is repeated again and again until the stain fades away entirely. And by chance the marks persist even after vigorous treatment, an alkaline solution is applied onto it and massaged with a clean cloth and spoon. After sometime, the cloth is lifted off, and the spot is rinsed with warm water. Finally, several paper towels are used for blotting away the stain.

At the end, the carpet is dried properly by placing a clean & dry dish towel on the affected spot and covering it with a plastic bag. By the time the towels soak all the moisture from the carpet, the stain fades away along with it.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Tips To Get 6 Energy Star Rating During Construction Or Renovation Projects

The market of Australia is flooded with small appliances & products meant for use by homeowners in order to reduce their carbon footprint and utilise water sagaciously. There are water efficient shower heads, smart thermostats, motion sensing lights and power-saving globes that can cut down on the energy costs of any typical Aussie home. However, simply using power-saving appliances is not enough, as long as one’s home fails to contribute towards cutting down on the monthly energy bills.

Fortunately, there is the 6 star energy rating that helps to ensure the power efficiency of a residence. If you wish to accomplish the rating ideally, make sure to get in touch with professionals offering the services of sustainability consulting in Australia. Every renovation or construction project has an initial planning stage that can be modified by considering certain factors, in order to accomplish the 6 star energy rating. Let’s take a quick look at those factors:

Local Climate

The way that a house maintains its temperature also plays a critical role in ensuring its energy efficiency. And it is quite significantly influenced by the home’s orientation as well as its local climate. In case a residential property is situated in colder climate, then it must be able to make the best use of the sunshine it receives. The windows and other primary parts should have proper solar access. Also, exposure to sun has to be ideally minimised during summer.

Size of Property

The size of any house is quite often associated with the socioeconomic status of a person. However, if energy efficiency is the main priority, the approach has to be one which considers the amount of space actually needed. Small abodes have more potential to save energy than larger ones. Therefore, it is better not to go for a spacious home unless deemed extremely necessary.


A properly insulated home not only reduces the heating & cooling expenses, but also makes it easier to maintain the temperatures. The best way to add insulation to a house is by doing so to the walls, the roof and also the flooring.

Thus, as is evident from the above mentioned factors, the tasks of ensuring the power efficiency of a residential property and accomplishing 6 star energy rating are not that difficult as we seem to think. But still, it is better to get in touch with home thermal assessment professionals to make an informed decision.

Monday, 6 March 2017